Welcome to the Home of FruitPhonics

Welcome to the home of FruitPhonics, where words are fun and literacy is an adventure. Why phonics? Forty four Phonemes, Sixty four sounds and one hundred words - that's all it takes to launch a child into a life of literacy. Welcome to a life of phonic fun.

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Loads of Letters

28th January, 2007

So what is this phonics lark and why should you, as parents and teachers, care about our little gang of overactive fruits? Sixty four sounds and one hundred words, that's all it takes to bring confidence and launch a child on their journey of exploration.

The route to educational, intellectual and emotional development lies through literacy. Phonics skills are the gateway. Children need to grasp phonics skills early.

These skills open the way to early reading and a capacity to explore literature and develop their own interests. FruitPhonics is a project to provide teachers and parents with innovative learning materials that excite and motivate children during the most crucial early phases of their literacy development.

A major objective of the project is to offer multi platform learning materials that supports children's early learning anytime, anywhere. Our content can be delivered online, to mobile phones, PDA's and portable game players, or through our soon to be released online interactive 3D enviroment.

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